What actually is Street Art ?

I have enjoyed photographing ‘Street Art’ in many parts of the world; predominately across London, but also in other locations such as Chicago, Athens, Barcelona and Melbourne.

For me, I define ‘Street Art’ as being something of immediate visual impact and interest - such as a mural, sketch, painting, chalk or crayon drawing, sculpture or even a stencil.

It can be a tribute to someone famous, a political or topical commentary, an ironic creation by someone such as Banksy, or perhaps even an abstract montage or paper stencil.

I have been fortunate enough to capture many wonderful examples of each of these, and they will steadily become posted to imagerybyco.net; in doing so, it does beg the question what actually should be termed as ‘Art’ - and more to the point, who ‘owns’ it once it has been created and left for all to see?

Is there any enduring copyright in place belonging to the ‘artist

Hopefully, over the course of my forthcoming musings - or do we actually have to call them ‘Blogs’ now? - this can be reviewed and discussed, with perhaps some form of definitive outcome at the end of it; until then - please enjoy the Street Art images as they get added to Site.